Thursday, December 8, 2011

AN: Rewrite

Okay, so I know I've been away for so long due to some big ass exam I had to take and didn't really have time to get my creative juices flowing. But in between cramming my head with Physics and Chemistry, I had a few brief moments to think about the story and how it'll develop. I wrote a few drafts on the next couple of chapters too (very brief ones that were about a page or two) and realized that the whole thing just doesn't come together quite right. I realized that there were a whole load of flaws, plus I didn't lay enough foundation for the story to actually work, in terms of each character's past and how it would affect the way they interact with each other. While writing comes as easily to me as breathing, it is a complex thing and it can be so frustrating when things don't go as planned. As I recall, when I first planned out this story, it had a somewhat (okay, very) different storyline. For instance, I had a few more characters to meddle with and Angela was actually Eduard's younger half sister instead of being older.

And then there was the worry of Eduard's character. He's my main protagonist, and I had trouble trying to give him more depth. Instead, I focused more on Ellie (whose name had originally Michelle) and left Eduard to fend for himself. He wound up being underdeveloped and hardly believable, almost like a typical hero. To me, at least. Had he been insignificant to the story, I would have left it alone, but his very existence was the crux of my story. I had to do something. So , I decided to get a second opinion. And [this] is the result. Okay, I was surprised by her input, and it gave me more faith in Eduard being a solid character.

Which brings us to the next problem - how? I haven't written anything decent since late October (aside from boring school essays), and I'm afraid I might not be able to get back into writing. After all, skills come and go. Use it or lose it. I just hope I still can get back in motion. And I have to restructure the story so that every part fits like a well-tailored glove. So I suppose I'm going to start back at square one (I bet you guys are sick of this - when is this ass going to finish the damn story, eh?) where things aren't less of a mess.

So, I suppose that's all for now. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it!

1 comment:

ellie said...

Maybe it'll come back to you. Don't give up. You are and extra-ordinary writer. Don't for get that!